
Metro UI provides special classes to create window elements and manipulate them.


Metro UI build windows with using next classes: .window, .window-caption, .window-content and result window has next structure:

Metro UI
Window content

                    <div class="window">
                        <div class="window-caption">
                            <span class="icon mif-windows"></span>
                            <span class="title">Metro UI</span>
                            <div class="buttons">
                                <span class="btn-min"></span>
                                <span class="btn-max"></span>
                                <span class="btn-close"></span>
                        <div class="window-content p-2">
                            Window content

Create window

To create window add attribute data-role="window" to your block element.

This is a simple window

                    <div data-role="window" class="p-2">
                        This is a simple window


The caption may include the following elements: icon, title, system buttons.


To add icon to window you must add attribute data-icon="..." to element.

Use Font icon to create window icon.
Use image to create window icon.

                    <div data-role="window"
                            data-icon="<span class='mif-rocket'></span>"
                        Use Font icon to create window icon.

                    <div data-role="window"
                            data-icon="<img src='images/location.png'>"
                        Use image to create window icon.


To add title to window you must add attribute data-title="..." to element.

Set the title with data-title attribute.

                    <div data-role="window" data-title="Window title" class="p-2">
                        Set the title with data-title attribute.


You can add system buttons to your window such as: close, min and max. To create buttons you must add relevant attributes: data-btn-close="true", data-btn-min="true", data-btn-max="true".

On/off window system buttons with attributes.

                    <div data-role="window" id="-window-buttons"
                         data-title="Window title"
                        On/off window system buttons with attributes.

                    <input checked type="checkbox"
                        onclick="$('#-window-buttons').attr('data-btn-close', $(this).is(':checked'))">

                    <input checked type="checkbox"
                        onclick="$('#-window-buttons').attr('data-btn-min', $(this).is(':checked'))">

                    <input checked type="checkbox"
                        onclick="$('#-window-buttons').attr('data-btn-max', $(this).is(':checked'))">

Buttons events

When Metro UI created window buttons, also created default event for this buttons. You can extend buttons events with custom events over special attributes: data-on-close-click="...", data-on-min-click="...", data-on-max-click="...", data-on-caption-dbl-click="...".

The default events are shown in the example below:

Click to buttons to view default buttons events.

Custom buttons

You can add a custom buttons to window caption. To add custom buttons, use attribute data-custom-buttons

Click to buttons to view default buttons events.

                        var customButtons = [
                                html: "<span class='mif-rocket'></span>",
                                cls: "sys-button",
                                onclick: "alert('You press rocket button')"
                                html: "<span class='mif-user'></span>",
                                cls: "alert",
                                onclick: "alert('You press user button')"
                                html: "<span class='mif-cog'></span>",
                                cls: "warning",
                                onclick: "alert('You press cog button')"
                    <div class="p-2"
                         data-width="300" data-height="160">
                        Click to buttons to view default buttons events.

Add shadow to window

You can add shadow to window with attribute data-shadow="true".

Add shadow to window with attribute data-shadow

                    <div data-role="window"
                         data-title="Window title"
                        Add shadow to window with attribute data-shadow


You can change default colors for caption and content. To set it use attributes data-cls-caption="..." and data-cls-content="...".

You can customize window with own classes.

                    <div class="p-2"
                         data-icon="<span class='mif-rocket'></spam>"
                         data-title="The rocket"
                         data-cls-content="bg-dark fg-yellow">
                        This is a simple DIV transformed to window with data-role.

Draggable window

To add draggable feature to window add attribute data-draggable="true" to your element. About draggable you can read in this article.

Drag this window on the caption.

                    <div class="p-2" data-role="window"
                        Drag this window on the caption.

Resizeable window

To make window as resizable add attribute data-resizable="true" to your window.

Resize the window on hold and move bottom right corner of the window.

                    <div class="p-2"
                        Resize the window on hold and move bottom right corner of the window.

Available options

All options you can set over data-* attribute:

Option Data attribute Default Desc Observe
width data-width auto Set initial width to window
height data-height auto Set initial height to window
btnClose data-btn-close true Add close button
btnMin data-btn-min true Add min button
btnMax data-btn-max true Add max button
clsWindow data-cls-window Additional classes for window
clsCaption data-cls-caption Additional classes for caption
clsContent data-cls-content Additional classes for content
draggable data-draggable true Add draggable to window
dragElement data-drag-element .window-caption Set the drag element
dragArea data-drag-area parent Set the area where element can be draggable
shadow data-shadow false Add shadow to window
icon data-icon Window icon
title data-title Window Window title
content data-content Window content
resizable data-resizable true Add resizable to window
top data-top auto Set window top position
left data-left auto Set window left position
place data-place auto Set window place (can be: center, top-left, top-center, top-right, right-center, bottom-right, bottom-center, bottom-left, left-center)
closeAction data-close-action Metro.actions.REMOVE Action when window close. Metro.actions.REMOVE or Metro.actions.HIDE


Event Data-* Desc
onDragStart data-on-drag-start Generated when the user starts dragging the window
onDragStop data-on-drag-stop Generated when the user stops dragging the window
onDragMove data-on-drag-move Generated when the user dragging the window
onCaptionDblClick data-on-caption-dbl-click Generated when the user double clicks on the window caption
onCloseClick data-on-close-click Generated when the user click close button
onMaxClick data-on-max-click Generated when the user click max button
onMinClick data-on-min-click Generated when the user click min button
onResizeStart data-on-resize-start Generated when the user starts resizing the window
onResizeStop data-on-resize-stop Generated when the user stops resizing the window
onResize data-on-resize Generated when the user resize the window
onWindowCreate data-on-window-create Generated when window was created
onDestroy data-on-window-destroy Generated when the window destroyed

How to use event you can see in this example. The example source you can find on github.


The window has a several methods to interact with it.

Method Desc
minimized() Toggle minimized state
maximized() Toggle maximized state
close() Close window
hide() Add class .no-visible to window
show() Remove class .no-visible from window

Metro.window object

Added in 4.2.1

You can use object Metro.window to manipulate of windows components. This object contains next methods:

  • isWindow(el) - checks, if element has role window
  • show(el) - show hidden window
  • hide(el) - hide window
  • toggle(el) - toggle show/hide window
  • isOpen(el) - checks, if a window is showed
  • close(el) - close window
  • create({...}) - create window
  • min(el, bool) - minimized or unminimized window
  • max(el, bool) - maximized or unmaximized window