Touch and swipe

This component designed and to be used on touch devices such us iPad, iPhone, Android Phone, etc.


Based on Matt Bryson TouchSwipe plugin

The touch component designed and to be used on touch devices such us iPad, iPhone, Android Phone, etc. Component can detects single and multiple finger swipes, pinches and falls back to mouse 'drags' on the desktop. You can set time and distance thresholds to distinguish between swipe gesture and slow drag. The component allows exclusion of child elements (interactive elements) as well allowing page scrolling or page zooming depending on configuration.

Metro UI

Swipe left or right
to show/hide sidebar

To activate component, you must add attribute data-role="touch" to your touch and swipe area, or use function init method:

                    <body data-role="touch">



Main features

The main features of the touch component:

  • Detects swipes in 4 directions, "up", "down", "left" and "right"
  • Detects pinches "in" and "out"
  • Supports single finger or double finger touch events
  • Supports click events both on the touchSwipe object and its child objects
  • Definable threshold / maxTimeThreshold to determining when a gesture is actually a swipe
  • Events triggered for swipe "start","move","end" and "cancel"
  • End event can be triggered either on touch release, or as soon as threshold is met
  • Allows swiping and page scrolling
  • Disables user input elements (Button, form, text etc) from triggering swipes


You can set any options to change reaction component to your touches.

Option Data-* Default Desc
fingers data-fingers 1 Constants representing the number of fingers used in a swipe. Use integer value or 'ALL'. Any swipes that do not meet this requirement will NOT trigger swipe handlers.
threshold data-threshold 75 The number of pixels that the user must move their finger by before it is considered a swipe.
cancelThreshold data-cancel-threshold null The number of pixels that the user must move their finger back from the original swipe direction to cancel the gesture.
pinchThreshold data-pinch-threshold 20 The number of pixels that the user must pinch their finger by before it is considered a pinch.
pinchThreshold data-pinch-threshold 20 The number of pixels that the user must pinch their finger by before it is considered a pinch.
maxTimeThreshold data-max-time-threshold null Time, in milliseconds, between touchStart and touchEnd must NOT exceed in order to be considered a swipe.
fingerReleaseThreshold data-finger-release-threshold 250 Time in milliseconds between releasing multiple fingers. If 2 fingers are down, and are released one after the other, if they are within this threshold, it counts as a simultaneous release.
longTapThreshold data-long-tap-threshold 500 Time in milliseconds between tap and release for a long tap.
doubleTapThreshold data-double-tap-threshold 200 Time in milliseconds between 2 taps to count as a double tap.
triggerOnTouchEnd data-trigger-on-touch-end true If true, the swipe events are triggered when the touch end event is received (user releases finger). If false, it will be triggered on reaching the threshold, and then cancel the touch event automatically.
triggerOnTouchLeave data-trigger-on-touch-leave false If true, then when the user leaves the swipe object, the swipe will end and trigger appropriate handlers.
allowPageScroll data-allow-page-scroll auto How the browser handles page scrolls when the user is swiping on a swipe object.
auto : all undefined swipes will cause the page to scroll in that direction.
none : the page will not scroll when user swipes.
horizontal : will force page to scroll on horizontal swipes.
vertical : will force page to scroll on vertical swipes.
fallbackToMouseEvents data-fallback-to-mouse-events true If true mouse events are used when run on a non touch device, false will stop swipes being triggered by mouse events on non touch devices.
excludedElements data-excluded-elements .no-swipe A selector that specifies child elements that do NOT trigger swipes. By default this excludes elements with the class .no-swipe.
preventDefaultEvents data-prevent-default-events true By default default events are cancelled, so the page doesn't move. You can disable this so both native events fire as well as your handlers.


You can handle various events to respond to user actions: swipe, swipe left, swipe right, swipe up, swipe down, swipe status, pinch in, pinch out, pinch status, tap, double tap, long tap and hold.

Swipe events

Swipe events receive next arguments:

Argument Type Desc
event eventObject The original event object
direction string The direction the user action in: left, right, up, down, in, out
distance int The distance the user action.
duration int The duration of the action in milliseconds.
fingerCount int The number of fingers used.
fingerData object The coordinates of fingers in event.
currentDirection string The current direction the user is swiping.


To handle swipe event, you must use attribute data-on-swipe or, if your use functionality init method, define method onSwipe in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-swipe="mySwipeFunction">

                        function mySwipeFunction(...){


                        onSwipe: function(...){...}

Swipe left

To handle swipe left event, you must use attribute data-on-swipe-left or, if your use functionality init method, define method onSwipeLeft in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-swipe-left="mySwipeFunction">

                        function mySwipeFunction(...){


                        onSwipeLeft: function(...){...}

Swipe right

To handle swipe right event, you must use attribute data-on-swipe-right or, if your use functionality init method, define method onSwipeRight in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-swipe-right="mySwipeFunction">

                        function mySwipeFunction(...){


                        onSwipeRight: function(...){...}

Swipe up

To handle swipe up event, you must use attribute data-on-swipe-up or, if your use functionality init method, define method onSwipeUp in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-swipe-up="mySwipeFunction">

                        function mySwipeFunction(...){


                        onSwipeUp: function(...){...}

Swipe down

To handle swipe down event, you must use attribute data-on-swipe-down or, if your use functionality init method, define method onSwipeDown in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-swipe-down="mySwipeFunction">

                        function mySwipeFunction(...){


                        onSwipeDown: function(...){...}

Swipe status

You can observe swipe status with attribute data-on-swipe-status or method onSwipeStatus. If this function return false, swipe canceled.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-swipe-status="mySwipeFunction">

                        function mySwipeFunction(...){


                        onSwipeStatus: function(...){...}

Pinch events

Pinch events receive next arguments:

Argument Type Desc
event eventObject The original event object
direction string The direction the user action in: left, right, up, down, in, out
distance int The distance the user action.
duration int The duration of the action in milliseconds.
fingerCount int The number of fingers used.
fingerData object The coordinates of fingers in event.
zoom int The zoom/scale level the user pinched too, 0-1.

Pinch in

To handle pinch in event, you must use attribute data-on-pinch-in or, if your use functionality init method, define method onPinchIn in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-pinch-in="myPinchFunction">

                        function myPinchFunction(...){


                        onPinchIn: function(...){...}

Pinch out

To handle pinch out event, you must use attribute data-on-pinch-out or, if your use functionality init method, define method onPinchOut in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-pinch-out="myPinchFunction">

                        function myPinchFunction(...){


                        onPinchOut: function(...){...}

Pinch status

You can observe pinch status with attribute data-on-pinch-status or method onPinchStatus.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-pinch-status="myPinchFunction">

                        function myPinchFunction(...){


                        onPinchStatus: function(...){...}

Tap events

Tap events receive next arguments:

Argument Type Desc
event eventObject The original event object
target DOMObject The element clicked on


To handle tap event, you must use attribute data-on-tap or, if your use functionality init method, define method onTap in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-tap="myTapFunction">

                        function myTapFunction(...){


                        onTap: function(...){...}

Double tap

To handle double tap event, you must use attribute data-on-double-tap or, if your use functionality init method, define method onDoubleTap in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-on-double-tap="myTapFunction">

                        function myTapFunction(...){


                        onDoubleTap: function(...){...}

Long tap

To handle long tap event, you must use attribute data-on-long-tap or, if your use functionality init method, define method onLongTap in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-long-tap="myTapFunction">

                        function myTapFunction(...){


                        onLongTap: function(...){...}


To handle hold event, you must use attribute data-on-hold or, if your use functionality init method, define method onHold in options.

                    <body data-role="touch" data-hold="myTapFunction">

                        function myTapFunction(...){


                        onHold: function(...){...}