Table component

Create interactive table with sorting, filtering and pagination features.

Create table

New in 4.2.8, updated in 4.2.23

If you need to create interactive table with ordering, filtering, searching and pagination features, you can use Metro UI table component. To create table, add attribute data-role="table" to your HTML table element and setup, if need, additional options with special attributes. You can create table and for your own HTML table with predefined data and for the table with remote data definition.

An important condition - is the creation of sections thead and tbody.

                    <table class="table" data-role="table">

Table options

You can use different options to define table behavior. This options you can use in <table> tag definition.

Option Data-* Default Desc
check data-check false Enable checkbox or radio for each row
checkType data-check-type checkbox Draw checkbox or radio for each row
checkStyle data-check-style 1 Set style for checkbox or radio, 1 or 2
checkName data-check-name null Set name for checkbox or radio
checkColIndex data-check-col-index 0 Data column index from 0 for checkbox or radio value
checkStoreKey data-store-key TABLE:$1:KEYS Key for storage (used, where check value are stored. $1 will be replaced with table id.
rownum data-rownum false Show/hide rows numbers
rownumTitle data-rownum-title # Title for rownum head cell
filters data-filters Table filters definition, comma separated value with functions names
filtersOperator data-filters-operator and Defined how filters combined, value and or or
source data-source null Link to external data
searchMinLength data-search-min-length 1 Min length for begin searching
searchThreshold data-search-threshold 500 The threshold in ms to begin searching, while user press keys for search phrase and the interval between key press less than this value, searching not started
searchFields data-search-fields Comma-separated value with column names, where will be search
showRowsSteps data-show-rows-steps true Show/hide rows steps box
showSearch data-show-search true Show/hide search field
showTableInfo data-show-table-info true Show/hide table info block
showPagination data-show-pagination true Show/hide table pagination
paginationShortMode data-pagination-short-mode true Show table pagination in short mode
showActivity data-show-activity true Show activity for table operations
muteTable data-mute-table true Mute table for table operations
rows data-rows 10 How many rows will be displayed on page, if this value is -1, all rows will be displayed
rowsSteps data-rows-steps 10, 25, 50, 100 Steps fo rows select box
staticView data-static-view false If true, table always displayed as defined
viewSaveMode data-view-save-mode client Where table view will be saved, values: client, server
viewSavePath data-view-save-path TABLE:$1:OPTIONS Key for client-side, href for server-side. $1 will be replaced with table id
decimalSeparator data-decimal-separator . (dot) Decimal separator for numeric values. Used for right sorting
thousandSeparator data-thousand-separator , (comma) Thousand separator for numeric values. Used for right sorting
tableRowsCountTitle data-table-rows-count-title Show entries: Title for rows steps box
tableSearchTitle data-table-search-title Search: Title for search input
tableInfoTitle data-table-info-title Showing $1 to $2 of $3 entries Title for table info block
paginationPrevTitle data-pagination-prev-title Prev Title pagination prev button
paginationNextTitle data-pagination-next-title Next Title pagination next button
allRecordsTitle data-all-records-title All Title all records in rows steps block
inspectorTitle data-inspector-title Inspector Title for table inspector window
activityType data-activity-type cycle Activity type for long operations
activityStyle data-activity-style color Activity style for long operations
activityTimeout data-activity-timeout 100 Timeout between activity show and table operation start
cellWrapper data-cell-wrapper true If true, cell data will be placed in div with class cell-wrapper
horizontalScroll data-horizontal-scroll false Helper to create table horizontal scrolling for wide table

                    <table class="table striped table-border mt-4"
                           data-rows-steps="5, 10"

Columns definition

For right works component, you must right define columns. Columns must be defined in thead section. You can use any attributes to define its:

Attribute Desc
data-name Column name
data-sortable Sortable column or not. Values: true, false
data-sort-dir Initial sorting direction. Values: asc, desc
data-format Data format helper for right sorting. Values: string (default), date, number, int, float, money
data-format-mask If you data is date, and date not in ECMAScript date format, you must define data mask (see Extensions for string.toDate in this article)
data-size If can define size for column.
data-show If can define show or hide column.
data-cls If can define additional classes for column heading cell.
data-cls-column If can define additional classes for column data cells.

                    <table class="table" data-role="table">
                        <th data-sortable="true" data-sort-dir="asc">Name</th>
                        <th data-sortable="true">Office</th>
                        <th data-sortable="true" data-format="number">Age</th>
                        <th data-sortable="true" data-format="date">Start date</th>
                        <th data-sortable="true" data-show="false" data-format="money">Salary</th>

Currently, you can define only one row in head section.

Data definition

Data must be defined in tbody section. If you want to add classes to data cell, use head cell attribute data-cls-column.

Name Office Age Start date Salary
Tiger Nixon Edinburgh 61 2011/04/25 $320,800
Garrett Winters Tokyo 63 2011/07/25 $170,750
Ashton Cox San Francisco 66 2009/01/12 $86,000
Cedric Kelly Edinburgh 22 2012/03/29 $433,060
Airi Satou Tokyo 33 2008/11/28 $162,700
Brielle Williamson New York 61 2012/12/02 $372,000
Herrod Chandler San Francisco 59 2012/08/06 $137,500
Rhona Davidson Tokyo 55 2010/10/14 $327,900
Colleen Hurst San Francisco 39 2009/09/15 $205,500
Sonya Frost Edinburgh 23 2008/12/13 $103,600

                    <table class="table" data-role="table">
                            <th >Name</th>
                            <th >Office</th>
                            <th data-cls-column="bg-cyan fg-white text-center">Age</th>
                            <th data-cls-column="bg-orange fg-white text-center" >Start date</th>
                            <th data-cls-column="bg-green fg-white text-right" >Salary</th>
                            <td>Tiger Nixon</td>

Table sorting

To use sorting, you must define columns, who can be sorted. To create sortable column, add attribute data-sortable="true" to head cell. If you need to sort on this column after table init, add attribute data-sort-dir="asc|desc" for initializing sorting direction.

If data for sortable column is a not string, you must use attribute data-format. If data is date and date not in ECMAScript format, you must add attribute data-format-mask. More about covert string to date you can read in this article

                    <table class="table" data-role="table">
                            <th data-sortable="true" data-sort-dir="asc">ID</th>
                            <th data-sortable="true">Name</th>
                            <th data-sortable="true" data-format="date" data-format-mask="%d-%m-%y" >Start</th>
                            <th data-sortable="true" data-format="int">Age</th>
                            <th data-sortable="true" data-format="money">Salary</th>
                            <td>Tiger Nixon</td>

Table component support interactive search. To activate search function you must:

  1. Enable search input field with attribute data-show-search="true" (enabled by default)
  2. Set min string length for search with attribute data-search-min-length (default: 1)
  3. Setup threshold for start search with attribute data-search-threshold (default: 500)

                    <table class="table"

By default, all fields are searched. You can define the fields to be searched for. To define it use attribute data-search-fields. Fields list is must be a comma separated string with field names, defined in head cell attribute data-name.

                    <table class="table"
                           data-search-fields="name, age">
                            <th data-name="id" >ID</th>
                            <th data-name="name" >Name</th>
                            <th data-name="start" >Start</th>
                            <th data-name="age" >Age</th>
                            <th data-name="salary" >Salary</th>
                            <td>Tiger Nixon</td>


Table components contains API to create custom filters for data. These filters works before search and is connected with it by the and operator if search is not empty. These filters are user-defined functions and can be applied in two ways: with attribute data-filters and with table api method addFilter. In both cases, the functions must be defined before they are used.

Use attribute

                        function myFilter(row, heads){
                            var is_active_index = 0;
                            heads.forEach(function(el, i){
                                if ( === "name") {
                                    is_active_index = i;
                            return row[is_active_index].includes("Jak");

                    <table class="table"

Use table API

                        <input type="checkbox" data-role="switch"
                            data-caption="Apply filter" onchange="toggleFilter(this.checked)">
                    <table class="table striped table-border mt-4" id="t-flt"
                           data-rows-steps="5, 10"
                        var filterIndex;
                        function toggleFilter(checked){
                            var table = $('#t-flt').data('table');
                            if (checked) {
                                filterIndex = table.addFilter(function(row, heads){
                                    var is_active_index = 0;
                                    heads.forEach(function(el, i){
                                        if ( === "name") {
                                            is_active_index = i;
                                    return row[is_active_index].includes("Jak");
                                }, true);
                            } else {
                                table.removeFilter(filterIndex, true);

Filters operator

By default, all filters applied with operator and. You can set this to operator or with attribute data-filters-operator="or".

                        <input type="checkbox" data-role="switch"
                               data-caption="Apply filter Jak"
                        <input type="checkbox" data-role="switch"
                               data-caption="Apply filter Simon"
                    <table class="table striped table-border mt-4" id="t-flt-2"
                           data-rows-steps="5, 10"
                        var filterIndex2, filterIndex3;

                        function toggleFilter2(checked){
                            var table = $('#t-flt-2').data('table');
                            if (checked) {
                                filterIndex2 = table.addFilter(function(row, heads){
                                    var is_active_index = 0;
                                    heads.forEach(function(el, i){
                                        if ( === "name") {
                                            is_active_index = i;
                                    return row[is_active_index].includes("Jak");
                                }, true);
                            } else {
                                table.removeFilter(filterIndex2, true);

                        function toggleFilter3(checked){
                            var table = $('#t-flt-2').data('table');
                            if (checked) {
                                filterIndex3 = table.addFilter(function(row, heads){
                                    var is_active_index = 0;
                                    heads.forEach(function(el, i){
                                        if ( === "name") {
                                            is_active_index = i;
                                    return row[is_active_index].includes("Simon");
                                }, true);
                            } else {
                                table.removeFilter(filterIndex3, true);

Filters works before search and is connected with it by the and operator if search is not empty.


To use pagination option, this options must be anabled with attribute data-show-pagination="true" (enabled by default). By default, used pagination short mode. If you need show all pages links in pagination, you can set it with attribute data-pagination-short-mode="false".

Pagination short mode

                    <table class="table" data-role="table"

Pagination all mode

                    <table class="table" data-role="table"

To set title for Previous and Next buttons, use attributes data-pagination-prev-title, data-pagination-next-title.

Rows counter

When component works, it creates special select block before a table to set displayed table rows count. You can change default rows counter steps with attribute data-rows-steps="...". This is a comma delimiter value. To set a default rows count, use attribute data-rows="..." To hide this block, set attribute data-show-rows-steps to false or define custom wrapper. To add all rows mode, you must add -1 value to data-rows-steps.

                    <table data-role="table"
                        data-rows-steps="-1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 100"

Table info

Table info block contains information about rows and current position in table. To enable this feature, use attribute data-show-table-info="true" (enabled by default).

You can change template for table info with attribute data-table-info-title. By default value for this attribute is Showing $1 to $2 of $3 entries. Where $1 - from records, $2 - to records, $3 - total records.

                    <table class="table" data-role="table"
                           data-table-info-title="Display from $1 to $2 of $3 records"

Table inspector

Component table contains inside a table inspector to manipulate columns in visual mode. To open inspector, you must call API method openInspector() or toggleInspector(), and to close it - closeInspector();.

Table view

For each table, a view is created, which stores information about the current state of the table. All changes that the user makes in the table inspector are saved in this view.

You can setup view options with special attributes:

  • data-static-view="true|false" - use static view or not
  • data-view-save-mode="client|server" - how view is stored
  • data-view-save-path="storage_key|url" - where view is stored


                    <!-- $1 in save path will be replaced with table id -->
                    <table class="table" data-role="table"


                    <table class="table" data-role="table"

View format

Object view have next format:

                        0: {index: 0, index-view: 0, show: true, size: 50}
                        1: {index: 1, index-view: 1, show: true, size: ""}
                        2: {index: 2, index-view: 2, show: true, size: 150}
                        3: {index: 3, index-view: 3, show: true, size: 80}
                        4: {index: 4, index-view: 4, show: true, size: 150}

Where index - field index in original data, index-view - field index in displayed table, show - field displayed or not, size - field size.

Export table data to CSV

You can exporting table data into CSV file. To export data, you must use API method export(to, mode, filename, options).

                    var table = $(el).data('table');
                    table.export('CSV', 'all', 'table-export.csv', {
                        csvDelimiter: "\t",
                        csvNewLine: "\r\n",
                        includeHeader: true

Export to...

Currently supported only CSV target.

Export modes

  • all - all table data
  • all-filtered - all with applied filters and search
  • checked - checked rows
  • view - rows, displayed in current page

Export options

  • csvDelimiter - default \t
  • csvNewLine - default \r\n
  • includeHeader - default true

External data

You can create table from external JSON data. To create it, use attribute data-source.

                    <table class="table striped table-border mt-4"

External data format

To use external source, you must create JSON data in specific format. Example of JSON file.

                        header: [...],
                        data: [...]

In header, you must describe information about all table columns. Each item can contains the next data:

  • name - column name
  • sortable - sortable or not
  • sortDir - sort direction asc or desc
  • format - column format
  • cls - classes for head cell
  • clsColumn - classes for data cell
  • size - column size
  • show - show or hide column
  • template - template for cell data. Use this.value to manipulate with cell value
  • thousandSeparator - thousand separator for numbers
  • decimalSeparator - decimal separator for numbers

See this article for details about micro templating in Metro UI.

                  "header": [
                      "name": "id",
                      "title": "ID",
                      "size": 50,
                      "sortable": true,
                      "sortDir": "asc",
                      "format": "number"
                      "name": "name",
                      "title": "Name",
                      "sortable": true
                      "name": "start",
                      "title": "Start",
                      "sortable": true,
                      "size": 150,
                      "format": "date",
                      "formatMask": "dd-mm-yyyy"
                      "name": "age",
                      "title": "Age",
                      "sortable": true,
                      "size": 80
                      "name": "salary",
                      "title": "Salary",
                      "sortable": true,
                      "size": 150,
                      "format": "money",
                      "show": true


In data section you must put simple text or html data.

                  "data": [


When table works, it generates a series of events that you can use to interact with the component.

Option Data-* Desc
onDraw data-on-draw Event fired when the table was drawn.
onDrawRow data-on-draw-row Event fired when draw row.
onDrawCell data-on-draw-cell Event fired when draw cell.
onAppendRow data-on-append-row Event fired when row added to table.
onAppendCell data-on-append-cell Event fired when cell added to row.
onSortStart data-on-sort-start Event fired when sorting process stated.
onSortStop data-on-sort-stop Event fired when sorting process stopped.
onSortItemSwitch data-on-sort-item-switch Event fired when table rows switched on sorting process.
onSearch(filter, items) data-on-search Event fired on search.
onRowsCountChange(val) data-on-rows-count-change Event fired when user change rows count to display.
onDataLoad(source) data-on-data-load Event fired before data will be loaded.
onDataLoaded(source, response) data-on-data-loaded Event fired after data loaded.
onDataLoadError(source, xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) data-on-data-load-error Event fired when data loads stop with error.
onFilterRowAccepted(row) data-on-filter-row-accepted Row accepted by filters.
onFilterRowDeclined(row) data-on-filter-row-declined Row declined by filters.
onCheckClick() data-on-check-click
onCheckClickAll() data-on-check-click-all
onCheckDraw() data-on-check-draw
onViewSave() data-on-view-save
onViewGet() data-on-view-get
onTableCreate(el) data-on-table-create Event fired after the table created.


You can use table API methods to interact with it.

  • draw()
  • sorting(dir)
  • search(val)
  • loadData(source, review)
  • reload(review)
  • next()
  • prev()
  • first()
  • last()
  • page(num)
  • addFilter(func, redraw)
  • removeFilter(func_index)
  • removeFilters()
  • getItems()
  • getHeads()
  • getFilteredItems()
  • getSelectedItems()
  • getStoredKeys()
  • clearSelected()
  • clearSelected(redraw)
  • getFilters()
  • getFiltersIndexes()
  • openInspector()
  • closeInspector()
  • toggleInspector()
  • resetView()
  • export(to, mode, filename, options)
  • deleteItem(field_index, val)
  • deleteItemByName(field_name, val)
  • deleteItem(field_index, function(val){return true|false})
  • deleteItemByName(field_name, function(val){return true|false})


You can customize style of table and its elements with next options:

clsTable data-cls-table Additional class for table
clsHead data-cls-head Additional class for table head
clsHeadRow data-cls-head-row Additional class for table head row
clsHeadCell data-cls-head-cell Additional class for table head cell
clsBody data-cls-body Additional class for table body
clsBodyRow data-cls-body-row Additional class for table body row
clsBodyCell data-cls-body-cell Additional class for table body cell
clsFooter data-cls-footer Additional class for table footer
clsFooterRow data-cls-footer-row Additional class for table footer row
clsFooterCell data-cls-footer-cell Additional class for table footer cell
clsPagination data-cls-pagination Additional class for table pagination
clsTableTop data-cls-table-top Additional class for table top block
clsTableBottom data-cls-table-bottom Additional class for table bottom block
clsTableInfo data-cls-table-info Additional class for table info block
clsTablePagination data-cls-table-pagination Additional class for table pagination block
clsRowsCount data-cls-rows-count Additional class for rows count block
clsSearch data-cls-search Additional class for search block
clsRow data-cls-row Additional class for each data row
clsRowEven data-cls-row-even Additional class for even data rows
clsRowOdd data-cls-row-odd Additional class for odd data rows

Custom elements wrappers

You can set custom wrappers for search, rows counter, table info and pagination elements. To set it, use special named attributes: data-search-wrapper, data-rows-wrapper, data-info-wrapper, data-pagination-wrapper.

                    <div class="row mb-2">
                        <div class="cell-md-8 my-search-wrapper"></div>
                        <div class="cell-md-4 my-rows-wrapper"></div>
                    <p class="h3 text-center my-info-wrapper"></p>
                    <div class="d-flex flex-justify-center my-pagination-wrapper"></div>
                    <table class="table table-border striped"
                           data-rows-steps="5, 10"
                    <div class="d-flex flex-justify-center my-pagination-wrapper"></div>

Horizontal scroll

You can enable horizontal scrolling for wide table. To enable it, use attribute data-horizontal-scroll="true".

                    <table class="table table-border striped"
                           data-rows-steps="-1, 5, 10"

You can stop horizontal scrolling with attribute data-horizontal-scroll-stop.

                    <table class="table table-border striped"
                           data-rows-steps="-1, 5, 10"