Table of contents


Metro UI objects and types extensions.


Metro UI contains the number of extensions for standard javascript types and objects.

Object Extension Desc
Array shuffle() Shuffle array elements
Array clone() Clone array
Array unique() Get array unique element
Number format(n, x, s, c) Format number value. n: length of decimal, x: length of whole part, s: sections delimiter, c: decimal delimiter
String capitalize(str) Capitalize string
String contains(substr, index) Check if string contains substring
String toDate(mask[, locale]) Convert string to date by mask. You can use next identifiers: dd, %d - for day, mm, %m - for month, yy, yyyy, %y, %Y - for year, hh, %h - for hours, ii, %i - for minutes, ss, %s - for seconds. Example: "1972-12-21 04:30:00".toDate("yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss"); "21-12-1972".toDate("dd-mm-yyyy"); "21 грудня 1972".toDate("dd mm yyyy", "uk-UA");
Date format(format, locale) Format Date object (see this article)
Date addHours(hours) Add hours to date